
a normal, non-homosexual male from expressing fem- inine traits or interests as a man but the mechanism of the femmeself permits him to get around these limitations,

In passing there is this interesting thought. Homosexuals have one advantage over straight men, and that is that they can and do express some of their anima while in the guise of their animus. It leads to the intriguing idea that perhaps many homo- sexuals adopt male love as their sexual way out be- cause in that world it is permissible to express opposite genderal feelings without reproach. They, like most everyone else, not realizing that sex and gender are NOT the same thing accuire the notion that genderal expression not only can be but must be expressed in the sexual connotation of being a love object of a male person, Very masculinity and fem- ininity in society will tend to reduce the number of persons becoming homosexual, Though I will hasten to point out that while this trend is in progress there are undoubtedly several others in action tend- ing to increase it,

But to get back to the further development of our hypothetical TV. After meeting "her" in the mirror for varying lengths of time and, depending on his own facial and bodily structure as to his "passability", there will be the natural desire to "go out". This I say is natural because no human likes to live in complete isolation, and certainly there is no greater isolation than being "imprisoned in a mirror", So, if he is passable and he dares the risk, "she" will furtively go out at night and walk around the block and scuttle back into the house with a sigh of relief coupled with a glow of satisfaction and accomplishment. As the years wear on and the individual becomes more venturesome and has more opportunity to interact with other human beings and his environment as "she", this "mirror person" begins to become a real person with ideas, activities, attitudes, postures, and feelings all